This step assumes you have followed the installation steps and initialized the client.

Presigned Urls

If you are looking for a way to allow users to upload objects directly to your bucket, you should check out Put Object with Presigned url

File size over 100mb

Generally if you are uploading a file over 100mb, you should consider using Multipart Uploads

Upload a File/Object using the SDK

The example belows shows how we would upload an object called list-of-cats.txt to our buckets.

import { StorageSyncClient } from "@storagesync/client";
import fs from "fs";

const client = new StorageSyncClient({
  apiKey: "<YOUR_API_KEY>",
  bucket: "<YOUR_BUCKET_NAME>",

const data = fs.readfileSync("list-of-cats.txt");

await client.putObject({
  key: `list-of-cats.txt`,
  data: data,

// Now there should be a file called list-of-cats.txt in your bucket.